miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015


Fear of storms.
Fear of loneliness.
Fear of the darkness.
Fear of failure.
Fear of losing my family.
Fear of my dog dies.
Fear of not finding myself.
Fear of forgetting myself.
Fear of talking around people I don't know.
Fear of living in the past.
Fear of seeing my parents in their old age.
Fear of not seeing them in their old age.
Fear of feeling disappointed by a real friend.
Fear of a real friend be disappointed by me.
Fear of not finding us again.
Fear of opening myself to people who want to know me.
Fear of having a serious illness.
Fear of people who I love having it.
Fear of feeling lower than others.
Fear of the society.
Fear of not being faithful to my principles.
Fear this day will end without a real smile.
Fear of waking up to find I'm old and I threw away my life.
Fear of not loving and fear of not being loved enough.
Fear that my dreams won't come true.
Fear of don't live my own life.
Fear of showing my fears in public.
Fear of having so many fears.

I've said that.


martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

Techniques of Brainstorm

Today, I'm gonna talk about the practice we did last sun day Friday.

Teacher taught us the way we need to do a redaction. The steps we must take are these:

  1. First of all is making a list from general themes, owing to we need inspiration and use our all imagination to realize the excercise. He gave us some themes and we chose the one we wanted. Even though, you think you haven't got anything to write, to the end, you have a long list with interesting topics.
  2. The second place is freewriting. it's curious that when anyone cut your imagination and you can write about all you want, your mind is endless. On the other hand, when someone cut it, you finish doing something you don't want to do. The teacher said "Write about everything that happens in your mind" And it worked!!
  3. Thirdly, we did a mapping with all the ideas and although you believe you can't order all this chaos... Oh yes, you can, nevertheless, you must do it carefully.

Therefore, summing up all the steps I realized, in my opinion, the best way to brainstorm is freewriting because you need write about all you need when anyone can cut your imagination. It's awesome and help you a lot, providing that you finish with a map to clarify your ideas, although, I think all the things are important to it.

To the end, I strongly believe that everyone can write an excellent story with clair ideas, paying attention to how to write, and specially, having a great passion to learn how to write.

lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2015

Little things about me

"Why Am I looking at rain if it isn't raining?"

I think it is a very good question to describe myself at this time.
I haven't got much, only some songs tucked into drawers, a guitar which haven't played for ten years, many books that they are not read and a list too long with things I must do before I die. I try to live day by day, and I am a cheerful and insecure girl who is meeting herself and tries to know the world, but it is much complicated. I think that travelling is the best education and dancing and singing are my happiness.

I love watching the same movies many times and discovering new bands and songs.

I strongly believe that if you discover things you don't like, you will uncover yourself easily, therefore, I'm sure I hate the wars, the hungry and politics, the arrogant people and the untruths that are around the world.

These are some little things about me. And that's all for now.